Chellaram Foundation Research Award 2025 – 9th International Diabetes Summit – 2025 | Chellaram Diabetes Institute
A special symposium for Gynaecologists - Please click here to register for ‘Symposium on Diabetes, Endocrinology and Women’s Health’    All accepted abstracts will be eligible for presentation at IDS 2025 for the Chellaram Foundation Diabetes Research Award; however, owing to limitations, only well-structured original abstracts selected by the scientific committee will be considered for publication in the abstract issue of Chronicle of Diabetes Research and Practice.

Chellaram Foundation Research Award 2025

Diabetes is fast gaining the status of a potential epidemic in India with more than 77 million diabetic individuals currently diagnosed with the disease, thus creating a great challenge – both socioeconomically and medically.

Chellaram foundation aims to enhance the quality of Diabetes research in India by creating a world-class research and education environment and to build up a platform of networking and knowledge sharing between national and international researchers within diabetology. The Foundation also aims to ensure the future of diabetes research by identifying and motivating / assisting talented researchers, who will benefit from optimal opportunities to improve their capabilities and leave a mark in this field.

Chellaram Foundation Diabetes Research Award-2025 places special emphasis on supporting research, educational initiatives that have the potential to improve and significantly revolutionize diabetes care, enhance self-management and/or support patients with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The research work could further be knowledge about diabetes in 3 areas (a) aetiopathogenesis, (b) diagnostics, (c) therapies

Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

Content will be reviewed on the basis of clear purpose and objectives, knowledge of topic and integration of evidence.

Clinical Applicability – Potential to improve Diabetes care and /or enhance self-management education/support diagnosis.

Innovation should be elaborated with description of the initiative and originality of the innovation.

All the presentations among the research paper submissions at the 9th International Diabetes Summit will be shortlisted and the best 6 presentations invited for a research award session.

The finalists will be required to present their research projects virtually at the 9th International Diabetes Summit-2025, Pune.

Chellaram Foundation Diabetes Research Award will carry medals and prizes upto

Rs. 6,00,000, which will be given to the presenter of the best research paper in each of the 2 categories – Basic Sciences and Clinical Sciences.

 These awards will be given by the Chellaram Diabetes Research Centre, which is dedicated towards promoting innovations in diabetes.

The Research Paper should reach the Organising Committee on or before 31st January 2025.

General Rules and Regulations

  1. The applicant for the Research Award should be a citizen of India.
  2. The Research should be on Diabetes or its associated complications.
  3. Registration for the International Diabetes Summit 2025 is compulsory to be considered for the award.
  4. A declaration from the Candidate that it is his or her own work and that all necessary permissions taken and all contributions appropriately acknowledged should be submitted.

All those undertaking research must be able to recognise situations and activities that might give rise to a real or potential conflict of interest, or could be perceived by others as a real or potential conflict of interest. Any such conflict, which could affect, or be perceived to affect, an individual’s judgment in any aspect of undertaking his/her research, must be disclosed as soon as it is recognized and necessary steps taken to ensure it is recorded, and either avoided at the time of submitting the proposal or appropriately managed.

Research should be original, a significant portion of the Research done in India (except for technology collaboration from abroad) and should have a foreseeable impact on understanding and management of Diabetes and its complications. One applicant will be considered for only one Research Award.

The applicant should disclose all aspects of funding that has been received for the Research Work, prior to submission to Chellaram Foundation or later if it be received in future.

The winner of the Chellaram Foundation Diabetes Research Award 2024

Clinical Science Presentation winners

1st prize winner
Dr. Amit Burande
Surya hospital, Kolhapur

Basic Science Presentation winners

1st prize winner
Dr. Durba Pal
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

Clinical Science Presentation winners

2nd prize winner
Dr. Kishore Kumar Behara
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

Basic Science Presentation winners

2nd prize winner
Ms. Shabda Kulsange
CSIR – National Chemical Laboratory, Pune

Clinical Science Presentation winners

3rd prize winner
Dr. Ayan Roy
AIIMS, Kalyani

Basic Science Presentation winners

3rd prize winner
Dr. Samim Ali Mondal
JIPMER, Puducherry